- bar pressure
- барометрическое давление
Англо-русский железнодорожный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский железнодорожный словарь. 2013.
bar — bar1 [bär] n. [ME & OFr barre < ML barra, bar, barrier, prob. < Gaul * barros, the bushy end, akin to Ir bar, branch < IE * bhoros, cut wood < base * bher , to cut with a sharp tool] 1. any piece of wood, metal, etc. longer than it is … English World dictionary
bar abs — , bar dif symbols indicating pressures measured in bars. bar abs indicates bars absolute, measuring the total pressure including the pressure of the atmosphere. bar dif indicates bars differential, measuring a difference between two… … Dictionary of units of measurement
Bar, Montenegro — Bar Бар Bar City Centre … Wikipedia
Bar — may refer to:* A rod/stick, pole, or handrail made of structural steel ** Grab bar ** Rebar * an ingot or gold bar * Bar (diacritic), a line through a letter used as a diacritic * Bar (establishment), a retail establishment which serves alcoholic … Wikipedia
bar — Ⅰ. bar [1] ► NOUN 1) a long rigid piece of wood, metal, etc. 2) a counter, room, or place where alcoholic drinks or refreshments are served. 3) a small shop or counter serving refreshments or providing a service: a snack bar. 4) a barrier or… … English terms dictionary
bar|o|re|cep|tor — «BAR uh rih SEHP tuhr», noun. a cell or group of cells sensitive to pressure, such as blood pressure. Also, baroceptor … Useful english dictionary
Pressure retarded osmosis — (PRO) is the salinity gradient energy retrieved from the difference in the salt concentration between seawater and river water. In PRO, the water potential between fresh water and sea water corresponds to a pressure of 26 bars. This pressure is… … Wikipedia
bar´o|met´ri|cal|ly — bar|o|met|ric «BAR uh MEHT rihk», adjective. 1. of a barometer. 2. indicated by a barometer: »Low barometric pressure is a sign of a possible storm. –bar´o|met´ri|cal|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
bar|o|met|ric — «BAR uh MEHT rihk», adjective. 1. of a barometer. 2. indicated by a barometer: »Low barometric pressure is a sign of a possible storm. –bar´o|met´ri|cal|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
bar|ie — «BAR ee; French ba REE», noun. a former unit of gaseous pressure, equal to one dyne per square centimeter. ╂[< French barie < Greek bareîa, feminine of barýs heavy] … Useful english dictionary
bar|o|clin|ic|i|ty — «BAR uh kluh NIHS uh tee», noun. Meteorology. an atmospheric condition in which surfaces of equal pressure and equal density do not coincide: »Extratropical cyclones are observed to form in the zone of middle latitude westerlies, characterized by … Useful english dictionary